though i don't expect anything 意味
- 駄目{だめ}でもともとで、駄目{だめ}もとで、すでにあきらめているが
- though though くせに 例え 仮令 たとえ たとい つつ 乍 ながら
- i I 私 わたくし わたし 私 あたし 拙者 せっしゃ 愚生 ぐせい 妾 わらわ 小職 しょうしょく 僕 ぼく
- don't don't n. 禁制, ?べからず集?. 【前置詞+】 a long list of (dos and) don'ts
- expect expect v. 予期する, 期待する, 当てにする. 【副詞1】 I am anxiously expecting a letter from
- anything anything pron., n., adv. 何か. 【動詞+】 Did you have anything to do with the
- though i don't know why どういうわけか
- can't expect to win anything いい目が出るわけがない
- cannot expect to win anything
- busy though i may be 忙しくても
- though i am poor 貧乏{びんぼう}ながら
- though i had anticipated it かねて予想はしていたものの
- though i say it as should not 私の口から言うのは変だが
- though i say it myself 自分{じぶん}で言うのはおかしいが Though I say it myself, I think I did quite well. 自分で言うのはおかしいが、我ながらよくやったと思う。
- i don't mind if i do I dòn't mínd if I dó. ((略式))いいですね,いただきます《◆飲食物などをすすめられた時の丁寧な返答》.
- not expect anything from the prime minister 首相{しゅしょう}に何も期待{きたい}しない
- "though few in number" 意味
- "though having fallen on hard times, she managed to preserve an aura of gentility" 意味
- "though he had turned eighty years old, he was still full of vigor. 80" 意味